QM/A- MN QF-10


Quartz microfibre filter without binder. It can be used for the analysis of air- borne particles, which feature an extremely low content of metal traces.

For the analysis of air-borne particles we recommend the quartz fibre filters MN QF-10 which feature an extremely low content of metal traces.and

Grade:andMN QF-10and(equivalent to QM/A)

  • Weight: 85g/m2
  • Filtration speed: <5s
  • Surface: Smooth
  • Applications and properties: Quartz microfibre filter without binder, very high purity, for air sampling.
  • Typical content of trace elements: (mg/kg) Al 110, Ba <100, Ca 100, Cd <1, Co <5, Cr <10, Cu 5, Fe 50, Mg 20, Na 90,Ni <10, Pb <10, V <10, Zn 10 and and
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